Foto 7

Giovanni Neglia, INRIA MAESTRO Team (Models for performance analysis and control of networks), “Network Science”, 23-27 March 2015

20 hours (5 credits)

Aula Riunioni del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Via G. Caruso 16, Pisa – Ground Floor

Short Abstract:
Network science (aka the science of complex networks) has emerged in the last ten years as an inter-disciplinary and yet distinct research field, seeking to discover common principles, algorithms and tools that govern networks as different as the Internet, the web, human social networks, gene regulatory networks, the brain, ecosystems, social organizations, transport networks.

Course Contents in brief:

  • What do real networks look like? and why?
    • Small world effect or 6-degrees of separation, clusters, hubs and heavy tails.
  • Navigation in complex networks networks
    • How to find paths in large networks with strongly limited memory and/or computation capabilities?
  • Contagion in networks
    • How to model virus spreading, file replication in a P2P network or epidemic routing in DTNs? Which topologies are more vulnerable/efficient? How to slow-down or speed-up contagion?
  • Consensus
    • How do beliefs form? How can sensors in a large wireless network improve their measurement estimates?


  • 23/03/2015 09:00-13:00
  • 24/03/2015 09:00-13:00
  • 25/03/2015 09:00-13:00
  • 26/03/2015 09:00-13:00
  • 27/03/2015 09:00-13:00