Increasing amounts of sources about World War I (WWI) are nowadays available in digital form. In this paper, we illustrate the automatic creation of a NE-annotated domain corpus used to adapt an existing NER to…
This paper describes the CoLing Lab system for the EVALITA 2014 SENTIment POLarity Classification (SENTIPOLC) task. Our system is based on a SVM classifier trained on the rich set of lexical, global and twitter-specific features…
A time to digital converter based system, to be used for most sub-detectors in the high-flux rare-decay experiment NA62 at CERN SPS, was built as part of the NA62 fully digital trigger and data acquisition…
A time to digital converter based system, to be used for most sub-detectors in the high-flux rare-decay experiment NA62 at CERN SPS, was built as part of the NA62 fully digital trigger and data acquisition…