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Dott.ssa Loretta Latronico, European Space Agency, ESA-ESRIN, "Ethics of AI", 4,5,6,7 April 2022

16 hours (4 credits)


Aula Riunioni del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Via G. Caruso 16, Pisa - Ground Floor

To register to the course, click here

Short Abstract:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already happening today and it is pervasive, often invisibly embedded in our day-to-day tools. As AI evolves, so do the many controversies that surround the use of this advanced technology. From military drones to shopping recommendations, AI is powering a wide array of smart products and services across nearly every industry—and with it, creating new ethical dilemmas for which there are no easy answers. As technology continues to develop at an unprecedented rate, those involved with AI often lack the tools and knowledge to expertly navigate ethical challenges.
This course examines today’s most pressing ethical issues related to AI and explores ways to leverage technology to benefit mankind. It provides insights into how to achieve responsible innovation of technology, in order to contribute to the quality of human life, sustainability and fair allocation of risks and benefits.

Course Contents in brief:

  1. Explore the foundations of Philosophy of Technology and Responsible Innovation for the benefit of mankind
  2. Understand the technological basis of ethics in AI
  3. Analyze machine bias and other ethical risks
  4. Assess the individual and corporate responsibilities related to AI deployment
  5. Examine what it means to be human, and what differentiates humans from machines
  6. Explore issues of AI in safety and progress, human rights, economics of happiness and deep ecology
  7. Exploit AI and Business Models Innovation in the space industry through the lenses of ethical challenges


  1. Day 1: 9.00-13.00
  2. Day 2: 9.00-13.00
  3. Day 3: 9.00-13.00
  4. Day 4: 9.00-13.00