Foto 7

Prof. Martin Maier, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) Montreal, QC, Canada, "6G, Metaverse, and Generative AI: From Convergence to Emergence", 15-19 July 2024

20 hours (5 credits)


Aula Riunioni del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Via G. Caruso 16, Pisa - Ground Floor

To register to the course, click here

Short Abstract:

6G will not be a mere exploration of more spectrum at high-frequency THz bands, but it will rather be a convergence of upcoming technological trends for stimulating more out-of-the-box research around 6G. While traditional applications will remain central to 6G, the key determinants of the system performance of future mobile networks will be new application domains such as multisensory extended reality (XR) applications, connected robotics and autonomous systems, human-machine interaction (HMI), as well as blockchain and distributed ledger technologies. Furthermore, haptic and empathic communications and the emergence of new human-centric service classes will lie at the heart of the coming 6G post-smartphone era. While smartphones were central to 4G and 5G, there has been an increase in wearable devices whose functionalities are gradually replacing those of smartphones, fueled by applications such as XR and HMI.6G will not be a mere exploration of more spectrum at high-frequency THz bands, but it will rather be a convergence of upcoming technological trends for stimulating more out-of-the-box research around 6G. While traditional applications will remain central to 6G, the key determinants of the system performance of future mobile networks will be new application domains such as multisensory extended reality (XR) applications, connected robotics and autonomous systems, human-machine interaction (HMI), as well as blockchain and distributed ledger technologies. Furthermore, haptic and empathic communications and the emergence of new human-centric service classes will lie at the heart of the coming 6G post-smartphone era. While smartphones were central to 4G and 5G, there has been an increase in wearable devices whose functionalities are gradually replacing those of smartphones, fueled by applications such as XR and HMI.With the mass digital adoption of remote work and online social activities accelerated by a global pandemic, we may finally find ourselves on the verge of something big and potentially paradigm-shifting: The Metaverse – the next step after the Internet, similar to how the mobile Internet expanded and enhanced the early Internet in the 1990s and 2000s. The Metaverse, underpinned by decentralized Web3 technology, will be about being inside the Internet rather than simply looking at it from a phone or computer screen. It will surround us and will radically reshape society by realizing the fusion of digital and real worlds across all dimensions created and delivered by non-traditional converged service platforms of future 6G and Next G networks, where developers do not hesitate to use technologies from as many disciplines as possible. The Metaverse is widely seen as the precursor of the Multiverse. While the Metaverse primarily focuses on virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), the Multiverse offers eight advanced types of XR realms, which together span the entire reality-virtuality continuum, including but not limited to VR and AR.This course aims at providing the attendants with new cross-disciplinary research material ranging from communication and computer science to cognitive science, social sciences, and behavioral economics. Among others, it reviews 6G paradigm shifts and elaborates on the difference between 6G and Next G research, including Next G Alliance’s audacious goals and their symbiotic relationshipbetween technology and a population’s societal and economic needs. It doubles down on the mutually beneficial symbiosis between digitalization and biologization for the emerging Industry 5.0 as well as for our possible evolution into future metahumans in a stigmergy-enhanced Society 5.0 by leveraging on time-tested self-organization mechanisms borrowed from nature, benefitting from not only emerging generative AIs but also nature’s more-than-human intelligence.

Course Contents in brief:

  1. 6G Vision
  2. Immersive Tactile Internet Experiences via Edge Intelligence
  3. Context- and Self-Awareness for Human-Agent-Robot Task Coordination
  4. Cooperative Computation Offloading in FiWi-Enhanced Mobile Networks
  5. Decentralization via Blockchain
  6. XR in the 6G Post-Smartphone Era
  7. Metaverse: The New North Star
  8. The Multiverse: Infinite Possibility
  9. Beyond 6G: Next G Research
  10. Web3 and Token Engineering
  11. From Robonomics to Tokenomics
  12. Society 5.0: Internet as if People Mattered
  13. INTERBEING: Symbiosis between INTERnet and Human BEING in the Era of Generative AI
  14. Metahuman: Unleashing the Infinite Potential of Humans


  1. 15/07/2024: 9:00-11:00 & 14:30-16:30
  2. 16/07/2024: 9:00-11:00 & 14:30-16:30
  3. 17/07/2024: 9:00-11:00 & 14:30-16:30
  4. 18/07/2024: 9:00-11:00 & 14:30-16:30
  5. 19/07/2024: 9:00-11:00 & 14:30-16:30