Foto 7

Prof. P. Chen, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois, Chicago, "Nanomaterial-Driven Wearable Antennas, Circuits, and Wireless Smart Skins", 8-11 April 2025

20 hours (5 credits)


Aula Riunioni del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Via G. Caruso 16, Pisa - Ground Floor

To register to the course, click here

Short Abstract:

Nanomaterial and micromachining-enabled soft and wearable electronics hold great promise in enabling telehealth and telemedicine. Wearable electronic devices transducing physical, chemical, and/or physiological responses to electrical signals, have been used in health monitoring, such as real-time detection of blood pressure, respiration rates, body temperature, and human motion. Combined with the ever-improving wireless and radio-frequency (RF) technologies, wearable electronic devices can transmit information in real time and be powered wirelessly in a passive and energy-saving manner. This short course will review the recent progress of nanomaterials and microsystems, as well as their unique electrical, (bio-)chemical, thermal, and mechanical properties that make them suitable for wearable antenna and circuit applications. This short course will also discuss challenges and breakthroughs in wireless sensing and interrogation technologies for wearable IoT devices.

Course Contents in brief:

  1. Introduction to wireless health, telemedicine, and telediagnosis (2 hours)
  2. Introduction to smart skins and wearable technologies (2 hours)
  3. Micro/nano-driven wearable antennas and circuits: material selection, design and fabrication (10 hours)
  4. Wireless sensing, communication and energy harvesting for IoT sensors (4 hours)
  5. Signal processing and multisensor fusion (2 hours)


  1. Day1 – April 8, 2025: 13:30-17:30 Introduction to wireless health, telemedicine, and telediagnosis (2 hours); Introduction to smart skins and wearable technologies (2 hours)
  2. Day2– April 9, 2025: 13:30-17:30 Micro/nano-driven wearable antennas and circuits: material selection, design and fabrication (4 hours)
  3. Day3 – April 10, 2025: 13:30-17:30 Micro/nano-driven wearable antennas and circuits: material selection, design and fabrication (4 hours)
  4. Day4 – April 11, 2025: 9:00-13:00 Micro/nano-driven wearable antennas and circuits: material selection, design and fabrication (2 hours); Wireless sensing, communication and energy harvesting for IoT sensors (2 hours)
  5. Day5 – April 11, 2025: 14:00-18:00 Wireless sensing, communication and energy harvesting for IoT sensors (2 hours); Signal processing and multisensor fusion (2 hours)