We present the “Towards a Digital Dante Encyclopedia” project, a three years Italian National Research Project, which aims at building a prototype digital library endowed with services supporting scholars in creating, evolving and consulting a digital encyclopedia of Dante Alighieri and of his works. Our main goal is to represent and visualize the knowledge about the primary sources which Dante refers to in his works. Currently, this information is scattered on paper books and this makes it impossible to systematically overview the culture of Dante and a well-ordered perception of how this culture was gradually set up in time. We describe a semantic model (as RDF graph) and its related web application, which allows extracting and displaying the knowledge stored in the semantic model. Visualizing data related to primary resources according to different parameters allows exploring the dynamics of the multi-faceted culture of Dante in relation to the diverse and often conflicting stages of his biography.
Keywords: {Digital Libraries, RDF graph, Semantic Model, Knowledge Representation, Linked Data}