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G. Mangraviti, E. Noccetti & others, "Sub-THz Transceiver Design for Future Generation Mobile Communications"

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Complete list of authors:

G. Mangraviti, C. Dehos, V. Puyal, O. Richard, G. Yaakoubi khbiza, F. Foglia Manzillo, X. V. L. Nguyen, F. Filice, E. Noccetti, P. L. Hellier, F. Podevin, S. Bourdel, A. Ruffno, K.-S. Choi, B. Abdelaziz Abdelmagid, M. Eleraky, H. Wang, B. Ardouin, T. K. Johansen, L. Fanori, Q. Huang, E. Schlaffer, P. Wambacq, D. Morche, and B. Debaillie


This paper outlines the design considerations necessary to realize an innovative transceiver prototype for future-generation mobile communication, adeptly harnessing the spectrum beyond 100 GHz. The primary innovations and challenges reside in maximizing the effcacy of BiCMOS and indium phosphide technologies, advanced radio frequency (RF) packaging, and the design of high-performance D-band RF frontends. The selection of RF-chip technologies and the integration of densely packed RF packaging are thoroughly defned and justifed. Specifcations for both transmitter and receiver systems are derived from a meticulous link budget analysis. These preliminary studies and decisions inform the forthcoming tape-outs in this project. The focus remains on developing key transceiver technologies to drive the next generation of mobile communications, surpassing the capabilities of 5G. This includes enhancing data rates, power effciency, integration density, and minimizing footprint