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Elenco Pubblicazioni - Publications (1444)

We present the “Towards a Digital Dante Encyclopedia” project, a three years Italian National Research Project, which aims at building a prototype digital library endowed with services supporting scholars in creating, evolving and consulting a digital…
Image thinning algorithms are widely used in image processing to simplify elaboration preserving geometrical features. Standard approaches are based on iterative methods and on distance transforms. Both techniques are well known to be computationally intensive. In this work we…
We study the transmission of random walkers through a finite-size inhomogeneous material with a quenched, long-range correlated distribution of scatterers. We focus on a finite one-dimensional structure where walkers undergo random collisions with a subset of sites distributed…
One approach for teaching subjects with autism is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). ABA intervention aims to model human behavior by observing, analyzing and modifying antecedents and/or consequences of a target behavior in the environment. To…
In opportunistic networks, putting devices in energy saving mode is crucial to preserve their battery, and hence to increase the lifetime of the network and to foster user cooperation. However, a side effect of duty…