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Elenco Pubblicazioni - Publications (1433)

The objective of this paper is to address the problem of Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) on thrusters of an over-actuated Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) under on/off abrupt faults. The goal is pursued through Non-Linear…
In this paper we present DanteSources, a Digital Library of Dante Alighieri’s primary sources, i.e. the works of other authors that Dante cites in his texts. Currently, this information is scattered in many books, making…
Narrative is emerging as a notion that may enable overcoming the limitations of the discovery functionality (only ranked lists of objects) offered by information systems to their users. We present preliminary results on modelling narratives…
We present DanteSources, a focused Digital Library that aims at building innovative services supporting scholars in creating, evolving and consulting a digital encyclopaedia of Dante Alighieri’s works. DanteSources is endowed with web services that allow…
Un tipo importante di conoscenza studiata in campo umanistico è rappresentato dalle fonti primarie di testi letterari, ovvero le opere di altri autori a cui uno scrittore fa riferimento nei propri testi. Solitamente questa conoscenza…