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Elenco Pubblicazioni - Publications (1445)

Abstract: In this paper, we present and compare the design and the performances of ten different implementations for a 16-bit adder in a 180nm CMOS standard-cell technology. Ripple carry adder, increment adder, triangle adder, uniform…
In this work we propose, for the rst time, to improve the performance of a hand pose reconstruction (HPR) technique from RGBD camera data, which is a ected by self-occlusions, leveraging upon postural synergy information,…
Haptic interfaces are special robots that interact with people to convey touch-related information. In addition to such a discriminative aspect, touch is also a highly emotionrelated sense. However, while a lot of effort has been…
Softness represents one of the most informative haptic properties, which plays a fundamental role in both everyday tasks and more complex procedures. Thus, it is not surprising that a lot of effort has been devoted…
In this work, to guarantee the Pisa/IIT SoftHand's grasp robustness against slippage, three reflex control modes, namely Current, Pose and Impedance, are implemented and experimentally evaluated. Towards this objective, ThimbleSense fingertip sensors are designed and…