Foto 7

Elenco Pubblicazioni - Publications (1446)

In this work, to guarantee the Pisa/IIT SoftHand's grasp robustness against slippage, three reflex control modes, namely Current, Pose and Impedance, are implemented and experimentally evaluated. Towards this objective, ThimbleSense fingertip sensors are designed and…
Understanding the mechanisms of human tactual perception represents a challenging task in haptics and humanoid robotics. A classic approach to tackle this issue is to accurately and exhaustively characterize the mechanical behaviour of human fingertip.…
Achieving accurate and reliable kinematic hand pose reconstructions represents a challenging task. The main reason for this is the complexity of hand biomechanics, where several degrees of freedom are distributed along a continuous deformable structure.…
Area and Power consumption are important design metrics in integrated circuit (IC), in particular in those targeted for wearable devices. Σ-Δ Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) are increasing in popularity in those devices thanks to…
Wheelchair Mounted Robotic Arms (WMRA) can be used by people with severe motor skill impairment, such as SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy), Cerebral Palsy etc..., in order to achieve daily life tasks. Many of those systems…