In this paper, we present a system for visually retrieving ancient inscriptions, developed in the context of the ongoing Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy (EAGLE) EU Project. The system allows the user…
The activation of the Deep Convolutional Neural Networks hidden layers can be successfully used as features, often referred as Deep Features, in generic visual similarity search tasks. Recently scientists have shown that permutation-based methods o…
Metric indexing research is concerned with the efficient evaluation of queries in metric spaces. In general, a large space of objects is arranged in such a way that, when a further object is presented as…
Abstract. Fisher Vector (FV) and deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) are two popular approaches for extracting eective image representations. FV aggregates local information (e.g., SIFT) and have been state-of-the-art before the recent success of…
Abstract: Surrogate Text Representation (STR) is a profitable solution to efficient similarity search on metric space using conventional text search engines, such as Apache Lucene. This technique is based on comparing the permutations of some…