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Elenco Pubblicazioni - Publications (1382)

The Root Raised Cosine digital filter is a widely used pulse-shaping FIR filter in digital baseband communication systems. The design parameters of the filter implementation are strongly bound to the overall performance of the communication…
U-PHOS (Upgraded PHP Only for Space) is a project developed within the REXUS/BEXUS programme framework, by a team of students from the University of Pisa with the goal to analyse and characterize the behaviour of…
In questo capitolo introdurremo le caratteristiche e le peculiarità dei dati social. Ci soffermeremo sulle criticità relative alla raccolta e all’analisi di tali dati, approfondendo alcune metodologie che permettono di utilizzare i dati social per…
This report presents the outcome of a series of analysis on different social media, where users discuss on drugs and their effects. The aim of such an analysis is twofold. First, we automatically detect drugs…
New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) are drugs that lay in a grey area of legislation, since they are not internationally and officially banned, possibly leading to their not prosecutable trade. The exacerbation of the phenomenon is…